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1:18) we are not surprised that there is rampant confusion over the basic identity of humans as male and female. In a world that continues to supress the truth in unrighteousness (Rom. Praise the Lord for his electing, seeking, and saving grace! We cannot save ourselves, we cannot contribute to our salvation, and we cannot earn salvation. Some categories of conviction you can expect from the pastors/elders of Cornerstone Bible Church would also include: Reformed Doctrine of Salvation or “Calvinism” We recommend that everyone read this confession. A careful reading of this confession will not only help you to understand the doctrine proclaimed, taught, and loved by our elders/pastors, you will also find it edifying and even devotional. Our Elders broadly subscribe to the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith, which is a reformed confession. However, we do want you to clearly understand what our teaching and preaching will align with. Because of that, complete agreement with the Confession of faith noted below isn’t necessary for fellowship with us at Cornerstone. The following confession of faith and theological distinctives contain some areas of conviction that are debated even among Bible-believing, gospel-preaching churches. Amen! Teaching Positions and Theological Distinctivesīelow you will find information on the teaching positions of Cornerstone that go beyond the core beliefs required for membership. As we look back through the corridors of history and forward to the bright end (or beginning) of all things in the light of the Lamb on His throne we see it all bend to that one, great, supreme goal: the display of his glory. The Glory of God Alone: The ultimate end of the saving work of the triune-God is his own glory. There is salvation in Christ alone, and nowhere else. As the eternal son of God incarnate, Christ lived a perfect life in fulfilment of the law, died a substitutionary death on the cross bearing the wrath of God in place of his people, rose again on the third day for our justification, and ascended to the right hand of the Father to reign until he comes again. Human nature and divine nature united in one person. We are by fallen nature and action, sinners, children of wrath, deserving only judgement, but God in his grace saves sinners!Ĭhrist Alone: The person and work of Christ saves sinners. There is nothing in us now, nor did God foresee anything in us, that merited anything good from him.


Grace Alone: We are saved by the sheer unmerited favor of God by his free grace. We are saved for good works, not by our works. Good works are a fruit of faith however, those works form no part of the basis of our salvation. 2 Timothy 3:16–17įaith Alone: We are committed to the biblical doctrine of salvation through faith alone which was recovered wonderfully during the reformation. Scripture Alone: We are committed to Scripture as the final authority in all that we believe, teach, and do at Cornerstone. Foundational CommitmentsĬommonly referred to as the five solas, these truths are foundational commitments we hold from the word of God.

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The proclamation of the gospel through all the world. The ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper.ĩ.

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The local church is composed of born again people joined together for worship, instruction, fellowship and service.Ĩ. Salvation is a gift of God’s grace to all who repent of their sin and put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.ħ. The Deity, person, and work of the Holy Spirit.Ħ. The deity of Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, Who died on the cross, rose from the dead, ascended to heaven and is coming again.Ĥ. The one, true living God, co-existing as three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.ģ. The Bible as the inspired, inerrant Word of God.Ģ. Placing our faith totally in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, and accepting the Word of God as our absolute authority in all matters of faith and conduct, we, as members of the Cornerstone Bible Church, affirm our belief in these distinctive principles of the Christian faith.ġ.

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